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Narcissus London is a British-based luxury beauty brand with natural formulas founded by good friends Orlanda Bryars and Melanie Thornton.


 More than a beauty brand !

For us, Narcissus London is more than a beauty brand; it's about audacious beauty which dares to stand out ! 


Non-Toxic Ingredients

When we set out to start Narcissus London we were adamant that our formulas had to contain all non-toxic ingredients and that beauty should never come at the expense of our fury friends.  We love that our products are vegan, cruelty-free and paraben free with no nasty ingredients that cause irritations.


A Love Affair With London

London is our canvas, a city as captivating and enigmatic as the most alluring personality. Here, amidst the hustle and bustle of busy streets and glittering skylines, beauty takes on a new dimension - one that mirrors unapologetic confidence and self-assuredness.


London is more than a place, it's our inspiration: bold, beautiful and unapologetically unique. It says 'look at me, for I am a masterpiece pulsating with creativity, style and allure ".

A telephone call one evening about a passion we have, yes products .......30 minutes later, Narcissus London was born. Creating, developing and growing Narcissus London brings so such happiness to our lives.  We hope you fall in love with Narcissus London the way we have. 

Love Melanie & Orlanda



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